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Imago selecta hodie
Imago cottidiana
Olive-bellied sunbird (Cinnyris chloropygius) flying from a flower to another at Kibale forest National Park, Uganda. The bird is looking at the flower on the right to choose it before landing on it.
+/− [la], +/− [en]
Res selecta
Res selecta
A tutorial video about the basics of, an issue tracker where the Wikimedia community, including the Wikimedia Foundation, organizes code issues like bugs and feature requests which can be implemented by developers. Volunteers are welcome to contribute. (Full series)
+/− [la], +/− [en]

Selectae imagines

Si primum in Communibus es, forte voles proficisci a selectis imaginibus quas communitas Communium ideo elegit quod optimae sunt.

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