Wikimedia Commons Tak-sà tû cho-tet kung-hien ke mòi-thí chṳ̂-liau-khu, kîm-ha chúng-khiung yù 110,557,938 ke chhṳ-yù ke mòi-thí vùn-khien. |
Kîm-ngit thù-phién
Olive-bellied sunbird (Cinnyris chloropygius) flying from a flower to another at Kibale forest National Park, Uganda. The bird is looking at the flower on the right to choose it before landing on it.
Kîm-ngit yáng-phién
![]() A tutorial video about the basics of, an issue tracker where the Wikimedia community, including the Wikimedia Foundation, organizes code issues like bugs and feature requests which can be implemented by developers. Volunteers are welcome to contribute. (Full series)
Hip-siong pí-soi
![]() Hip-siong sông-chai to liá-têu, chhâm-kâ ngài-teu tak ngie̍t ke pí-soi, tet-tó lìn-kám, chai chhṳ yit-ha sîn ke chú-thì! Ap liá-têu liáu-kié kien-tô! Chhèu-tiám
Na he ngì he thèu yit pái lòi liá-têu, ngì cho-tet siên khon «thi̍t-set thù-phién», «yù-mì thù-phién» fe̍t-chá «chui hó ke thù-phién». Ngì ya cho-tet chhai «Ngin-sṳt ngài-têu ke hip-siong sṳ̂-fu» lâu «Ngin-sṳt ngài-têu ke va̍k thù sṳ̂-fu» tú hi khon ngài-têu chôn-kâ tén-khip kung-hien-chá ke chok-phín. Ngì khó-nèn voi tui «ngièn-thu thù-phién» yù him-chhi. Nui-yùng
11-ngie̍t 14-ngit ke thù-phién
On chú-thìChhṳ-yèn Sa-fi ■Vùn-fa Khô-ho̍k Kûng-chhàng On Fông-viThi-khiù Thai-khûng On fûn-luiThù-phién Sâng-yîm On chok-cháKien-chuk sṳ̂-fu ■ Chok-khiuk-kâ ■ Fa-kâ ■ Hip-siong sṳ̂-fu ■ Tiâu-khiet sṳ̂-fu On pán-khiènSu-khièn fông-sṳt On lòi-ngiènThù-phién lòi-ngièn |